Gurbir Sandhu

March 3, 2021

Types of Mortgages

The different types of mortgages available in the Canadian Mortgage Market offer a great variety of solutions to a  borrower. The right kind of mortgage selection is, where a Mortgage Broker can help you with. Based on mortgage rates and repayment options, primarily there are the following 6-kind of mortgages Conventional Mortgages High Ratio Mortgages Open Mortgages Closed Mortgages Fixed-Rate Mortgages Variable Rate Mortgages (VRM) / Adjustable Rate Mortgages (ARM) Conventional Mortgages A mortgage where the down payment is equal to 20% or more of the property’s value/purchase price. A low-ratio mortgage does not normally require mortgage protection insurance. High Ratio Mortgages A high ratio mortgage is […]
February 24, 2021

Basics of Canadian Mortgage Market

No two home buyers are alike, so the best mortgage option for one borrower is likely unsuitable for another. It’s up to the buyer and his or her mortgage broker to make the right decision based on the individual needs.   What are the most popular mortgage options in the Canadian Market? Well! in general, small to mid-size mortgages are most popular, as demand for these is certainly the most. Small size mortgages are secure for both lender and borrower. Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) + The Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) is a government department that acts […]